Many people have compared Obama to Ronald Reagan in his ability to promise “morning in America,” but they have focused only on the most superficial part of the Reagan revolution. Reagan didn’t cast himself as the agent of hope, but appealed to the hope within Americans that they could lift up the country, and not the other way around. He focused on the hope of the individual as the true agent of change, and not the despair of the collective that required government intervention.
Friday, February 29, 2008
New/Old Idea: Quote of the Day
Since I never have time to post, but want to keep this blog dynamic, I'll be adding a few quotes and/or headlines with links to them every now and then. Today I ran across this one at which I could not resist posting in it's entirety:
Nepotistic Useful Idiot Tool Reaches Final Destination: Token

You may remember this idiot from his interview or shall I say, intellectual ass kicking, at the hands of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, back when he had a very tiny show on the CBC that eventually was canceled, well, because it sucked. Since he hasn't had a job mommy or daddy could find for him in socialist Canada, he took the one that has been vacant for quite some time, or at least since Benny Morris rejected it; token Jew propagandist for Al Jazeera English Edition. Avi is a great example of why I can't possibly be an ethnocentrist, no mater how hard I try.
Asked if Al Jazeera Arabic’s reputation for airing terrorist propaganda played into his decision, Mr. Lewis said the question is “absolutely hilarious.”
“What’s the allegation? That Al Jazeera aired [Osama] bin Laden videos? So did CNN, FOX and everybody else,” he said. “I know that Al Jazeera is a favourite target of nationalist right-wingers in the United States, but as a journalist, I like to judge things on the evidence.”
Journalist. Yeah. As much as Al Gore is a Scientist, I'm sure.
If you need a reminder of the kind of poor and extremely biased journalism people have been growing tired of, look no further than this interview.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Yeah, yeah. Novelists also vote liberally, so what else is new?
Jewlicious has an interesting post about whom your favorite novelists are supporting for president. Even if I had money to burn, I could think of a million other things to spend it on other than someone's campaign, but I digress.
So, we know that something like 9 in 10 journalists donated to Democrats (which bodes well for "fair" coverage), and we know that most Hollywood types are and have always been in the tank for Democrats/socialists/communists. I'm interested in seeing who the producers (as in, the industrialists, innovators, business leaders, inventors, scientists, economists, etc.), you know, the people who we are all really dependent on for the future of this great country donate to.
I happen to believe most people who operate in the "classical" doctrines as opposed to the "romanticists" would vote more rationally, as their lives are based on facts and truths and not just emotions like swooning journalists and feeling actors happen to live off of. I know that most looters, lazy unionists, entitlement seekers, and generations of lazy intellectuals vote liberally, as in the big government, hand-out promising, even the playing-field type party. Sheesh, I did myself in 2000. Of course, at that time, I believed I was entitled a job when I graduated from college. I also believed that just because you were born, other people should provide you with free health care. Thank g-d those days are gone! I'm more interested in knowing whom the people most vital to the future of this country and the world I may add, are donating to. Screw the "people", tell me about the ones who really make a difference.
So, we know that something like 9 in 10 journalists donated to Democrats (which bodes well for "fair" coverage), and we know that most Hollywood types are and have always been in the tank for Democrats/socialists/communists. I'm interested in seeing who the producers (as in, the industrialists, innovators, business leaders, inventors, scientists, economists, etc.), you know, the people who we are all really dependent on for the future of this great country donate to.
I happen to believe most people who operate in the "classical" doctrines as opposed to the "romanticists" would vote more rationally, as their lives are based on facts and truths and not just emotions like swooning journalists and feeling actors happen to live off of. I know that most looters, lazy unionists, entitlement seekers, and generations of lazy intellectuals vote liberally, as in the big government, hand-out promising, even the playing-field type party. Sheesh, I did myself in 2000. Of course, at that time, I believed I was entitled a job when I graduated from college. I also believed that just because you were born, other people should provide you with free health care. Thank g-d those days are gone! I'm more interested in knowing whom the people most vital to the future of this country and the world I may add, are donating to. Screw the "people", tell me about the ones who really make a difference.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Oscars with Stewart Bomb, Same Old Tired Show of Ingrates
Well, this Jew, for one, dislikes Jon Stewart. I think he is one of our worst examples of our people. He's somewhat funny as a comic, but his foray into politics and his choice to hide behind his comic status when pressed on his politics are pathetic. Either stand by your political convictions or just be a comic. Cutting most of Jonah Goldberg's interview when he's schooling you on his book and on politics, and using your audience to boo everything you disagree with is weak. And par for the course with Jon Stewart and half-jew, and complete idiot, Bill Maher.
Furthermore, people are tired of the Oscars and of Hollywood in general because they're tired of the snotty, rich, and clueless crowd of socialist loving, useful idiots blaming America for everything, believing in and promoting pseudo sciences, having their heads so far up ignorant politicians' asses while pretending to be anti-establishment, and then pretending to support the troops while awarding Oscars to movies that make them look like evil stormtroopers. It's a town full of amazing hypocrites, and unfortunately, many of these idiots are Jews who do more to hurt Judaism and Israel than the most vicious anti-Semites could ever dream to do.
Furthermore, people are tired of the Oscars and of Hollywood in general because they're tired of the snotty, rich, and clueless crowd of socialist loving, useful idiots blaming America for everything, believing in and promoting pseudo sciences, having their heads so far up ignorant politicians' asses while pretending to be anti-establishment, and then pretending to support the troops while awarding Oscars to movies that make them look like evil stormtroopers. It's a town full of amazing hypocrites, and unfortunately, many of these idiots are Jews who do more to hurt Judaism and Israel than the most vicious anti-Semites could ever dream to do.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Poetic Justice
Good. I [expletive deleted :)] hate communists more than scurvy. Especially, rich, talentless hacks who want to be socialists while buying and owning more property than the entire Cuban population could pool together to afford, generating more free-market based income than most socialist states' GDP combined, and speaking out against the government as if it's a nightly ritual. Move to Cuba. Move to Venezuela. Move to North Korea. Move to China (well, kind of). Just move away and take your collectivist nonsense and your stupid Che T-shirts with you. Let the substandard physicians re-use needles and IVs on you after waiting in line for four days. [expletive deleted :)].
Friday, February 15, 2008
WTF? More internationalist socialism from Obama!
I choose to live in America. I am free to leave at any time. I am free to move to Canada, Europe, back to Russia, or any other country, for that matter. When my parents fled the FSU to come to America, it wasn't because they flipped a coin, rolled the dice, or played roshambo and the US just happened to come up. They/we moved here because this was the freest country in the world; a capitalist system, a system and people that valued hard work, individuality, and fought for other's freedom because it was the right thing to do. Sure, it had its blemishes, turmoiled history, and it wasn't perfect, but there wasn't and still isn't another place like it in the world today.
I'll save you my theory about the world's best and brightest coming to America, leaving their former depraved, backward, and/or mediocre societies for a better life for their family and a chance to pursue the American Dream in all its glory. I won't go into anymore detail, but I believe it, and it doesn't surprise me that the US has been the strongest, richest nation for all these years. But all along, from its creation, the US has had a plethora of ideas and idealists, many naive idealists with the best intentions for "the greater good" [ick], who have lived here all of their lives with disdain for America's greatness, who worship the weak, the incompetent, and worst off, who care more about people half way around the globe, more than the future and well being of their own children.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present for the record, yet another move towards the socialization of America, by none other than Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., future Democratic presidential nominee. It's called the Global Poverty Act, and yes, it's OUR responsibility to solve he world's ills, which is hard to do when you are creating them, at least according to his friends in the UN.
It seems when he's not strong arming businesses into losing money, voting the most liberally in all of the senate, or receiving support from confused communists, he's out trying to force the US to give more handouts and entitlements to the undeserved and allow the UN to penalize the US financially for not accepting global legislation designed to weaken this country in the first place. Please remind me again, is he running for president or head of the UN?
For those that don't click on the links, I'll present a snapshot of what this new Global Poverty Act and the media that refuses to cover it is:
I think I need to puke.
I'll save you my theory about the world's best and brightest coming to America, leaving their former depraved, backward, and/or mediocre societies for a better life for their family and a chance to pursue the American Dream in all its glory. I won't go into anymore detail, but I believe it, and it doesn't surprise me that the US has been the strongest, richest nation for all these years. But all along, from its creation, the US has had a plethora of ideas and idealists, many naive idealists with the best intentions for "the greater good" [ick], who have lived here all of their lives with disdain for America's greatness, who worship the weak, the incompetent, and worst off, who care more about people half way around the globe, more than the future and well being of their own children.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present for the record, yet another move towards the socialization of America, by none other than Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., future Democratic presidential nominee. It's called the Global Poverty Act, and yes, it's OUR responsibility to solve he world's ills, which is hard to do when you are creating them, at least according to his friends in the UN.
It seems when he's not strong arming businesses into losing money, voting the most liberally in all of the senate, or receiving support from confused communists, he's out trying to force the US to give more handouts and entitlements to the undeserved and allow the UN to penalize the US financially for not accepting global legislation designed to weaken this country in the first place. Please remind me again, is he running for president or head of the UN?
For those that don't click on the links, I'll present a snapshot of what this new Global Poverty Act and the media that refuses to cover it is:
"32. We solemnly reaffirm, on this historic occasion, that the United Nations is the indispensable common house of the entire human family, through which we will seek to realize our universal aspirations for peace, cooperation and development. We therefore pledge our unstinting support for these common objectives and our determination to achieve them."
I think I need to puke.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Obama Hearts Socialism!
In a desperate ploy to build a track record of his own, Barack Obama is co-sponsoring a bill (S.1945) also known as the Patriot Corporation Act. Based on the subjective opinions of some bureaucrats, unions, and other partisan NGOs, corporations can be deemed patriotic or unpatriotic if they follow the "advice" set forth by this committee.
Apparently, Obama is already trying to strong arm businesses into taking his advice. In the case of Tesco, the parent company of a chain of grocery stores, Obama and his committee are mandating that this chain open stores in low income neighborhoods. Excuse me if I need to remind everyone in what country we live. As far as I know, to this day, businesses in the US are in business to make money, not to provide services to the people for the sake of the "greater good". I suggest Obama visit a couple of failed communist states to see where this path leads.
What's funny, is that this is yet another eerily familiar sign of the degradation of America that Ayn Rand alludes to in Atlas Shrugged back in the 50s when she wrote it. Not to spoil the book for my friends that sadly haven't read it yet, but when government mandates business, everyone suffers. Businesses are forced to operate at a loss, (as in why many larger chains moved out of low income neighborhoods in the first place), and eventually, they can not operate at a loss any longer, and go out of business.
It's not Obama's nor anyone else in the government's choice or authority to mandate where businesses should operate and it's only the market and the business whom hold the keys to their destiny. It's bad enough the US has the highest corporate taxes in the world, and now this? And this dictator is running for president? Sheesh. Yep, get ready for change alright. As in socialism. As in do you have change for this food stamp?
Apparently, Obama is already trying to strong arm businesses into taking his advice. In the case of Tesco, the parent company of a chain of grocery stores, Obama and his committee are mandating that this chain open stores in low income neighborhoods. Excuse me if I need to remind everyone in what country we live. As far as I know, to this day, businesses in the US are in business to make money, not to provide services to the people for the sake of the "greater good". I suggest Obama visit a couple of failed communist states to see where this path leads.
What's funny, is that this is yet another eerily familiar sign of the degradation of America that Ayn Rand alludes to in Atlas Shrugged back in the 50s when she wrote it. Not to spoil the book for my friends that sadly haven't read it yet, but when government mandates business, everyone suffers. Businesses are forced to operate at a loss, (as in why many larger chains moved out of low income neighborhoods in the first place), and eventually, they can not operate at a loss any longer, and go out of business.
It's not Obama's nor anyone else in the government's choice or authority to mandate where businesses should operate and it's only the market and the business whom hold the keys to their destiny. It's bad enough the US has the highest corporate taxes in the world, and now this? And this dictator is running for president? Sheesh. Yep, get ready for change alright. As in socialism. As in do you have change for this food stamp?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Communists Heart Obama!
Excellent! I guess you are known by the company you keep. In this case, it's not just your run of the mill, died in the wool, communist loving idiot preaching about the great joys of the People's Revolution. Nah, here we have Obama volunteers at a Houston Campaign office with a Cuban flag adorned with the man who introduced the joys of modern Cuban life: terrorist mass murderer and symbol of American collegiate activist naivette, Che Guevara. Lovely.
I'll leave you with one of my favorite film quotes and a favorite photo:

I'll leave you with one of my favorite film quotes and a favorite photo:
"I kill a communist for fun, but for a green card, I gonna carve him up real nice."
- Tony Montana

"Your tax dollars and their Return on Investment"
Obama supporters think he's great, don't know why exactly
OK, so Obama is (half) black and is a great orator, or at least has great speechwriters. He talks all about "Change!", though he never really explains what that means. And some people are filled with hope that he is a fresh face in our government, currently plagued by insiders, multi-term good old boys, and lifelong political hacks out of touch with the people and bent on keeping their jobs at all costs.
As Americans, we're told not to play identity politics, but to select the best person for the job. In the past, we were told not to listen to what a politician said, but to judge them on their track record and most importantly, voting record. Well, I think in Obama's case, most people are interested in listening to his fiery speeches and less concerned with his accomplishments.
A few weeks ago, we were presented with a focus group full of Obama supporters and they were asked a simple question, "What is Obama's greatest accomplishment?", to which most were left dumbstruck.
This week, we are presented with a new group of Obama supporters. You would think that they may have done their due diligence this time around. You would think...
(Hat tip
Update: Worried that his supporters keep getting stumped everywhere, Obama quickly finds another way to demonstrate why he has been ranked as the most liberal Congressman in Washington, and shows us the future of our great socialist society!
As Americans, we're told not to play identity politics, but to select the best person for the job. In the past, we were told not to listen to what a politician said, but to judge them on their track record and most importantly, voting record. Well, I think in Obama's case, most people are interested in listening to his fiery speeches and less concerned with his accomplishments.
A few weeks ago, we were presented with a focus group full of Obama supporters and they were asked a simple question, "What is Obama's greatest accomplishment?", to which most were left dumbstruck.
This week, we are presented with a new group of Obama supporters. You would think that they may have done their due diligence this time around. You would think...
(Hat tip
Update: Worried that his supporters keep getting stumped everywhere, Obama quickly finds another way to demonstrate why he has been ranked as the most liberal Congressman in Washington, and shows us the future of our great socialist society!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Long haired freaky people need not apply
This article is almost 2 years old, but as pertinent as ever now that the election season is upon us.
If you are a musician, actor, painter, poet, artist, etc., I am not interested in your political opinion. I'm happy you have one, albeit, probably filtered through the echo chamber you exist in, but I don't value it and would rather you performed your art without telling me to go vote, go green, or to go get bent.
It seems my wish will never come true, so in that case, we need to make the most of it and enjoy the brilliance as it is released. So why stop now, when 50 Cent would like to shower us with genius:
Did you hear that? "I'm not sure that America is ready for a black president, THEY might kill him." Surely he means the Clintons. It's not like they haven't snuffed out people before. That's a very long list. Is Snopes positive they're all false? Either way, probability would say that even if you are associated with them, you have a pretty good chance of getting shot.
Follow this link for some great comments. Some of my favorites:
Hamburg - Eric Clapton, 60, has criticised politically inspired concerts such as Live 8 and said he had "mixed feelings" towards the initiators Bono and Bob Geldof, according to a German magazine.
"I ask myself if musicians ought to act like politicians," said the guitarist, as quoted in the interview in the weekly Stern.
"They're only musicians," he said, questioning where they gained the authority to give speeches. He said that Bono was spending a large amount of his time telling world politicians they were wrong.
Clapton was quoted saying he had not liked Geldof telling the prime minister of Canada to stay away from a concert because he had not been following policies Geldof favoured.
If you are a musician, actor, painter, poet, artist, etc., I am not interested in your political opinion. I'm happy you have one, albeit, probably filtered through the echo chamber you exist in, but I don't value it and would rather you performed your art without telling me to go vote, go green, or to go get bent.
It seems my wish will never come true, so in that case, we need to make the most of it and enjoy the brilliance as it is released. So why stop now, when 50 Cent would like to shower us with genius:
Did you hear that? "I'm not sure that America is ready for a black president, THEY might kill him." Surely he means the Clintons. It's not like they haven't snuffed out people before. That's a very long list. Is Snopes positive they're all false? Either way, probability would say that even if you are associated with them, you have a pretty good chance of getting shot.
Follow this link for some great comments. Some of my favorites:
"I always find it amusing when part of the problem tries to be part of the solution. - ThePrez"
"He just had to throw in his two bit opinion - William Amos"
Too bad, so sad, I'm glad!
Someone over at the James Randi forums has posted a great sign for all of the Paulbots out there whose rEVOLution hasn't exactly materialized (hat tip to and

And if you think I'm being spiteful or vindictive to the people who honestly thought Ron Paul had a chance or even a sensible platform, you are absolutely right, I am, and I'm enjoying it. Clear, rational heads prevailed, and Ron only received support from a tiny minority of Americans, and some might say mostly our typical fringe-group losers.

And if you think I'm being spiteful or vindictive to the people who honestly thought Ron Paul had a chance or even a sensible platform, you are absolutely right, I am, and I'm enjoying it. Clear, rational heads prevailed, and Ron only received support from a tiny minority of Americans, and some might say mostly our typical fringe-group losers.
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